Sunday, August 5, 2007

Not Much Time in the Shop

For some reason I have been fairly busy and haven't had much time to muse in the sawdust. I help my wife in her business by being a gofer and sometimes doing data entry on the computer in the office. She and a friend are partners in a trucking company, "Schatzie Trucklines, Inc." and they are pretty busy right now with 2 new drivers to get oriented and on the road, so I have been helping more than usual. On top of that, Paul, who lost his wife of 60 years, and I have been working on projects to get his home more handicapped friendly. His knees are shot and he finds it difficult to walk, so he got a motorized wheelchair. We have been building ramps in his home to make it accessible for him in his new chair. That mission has been accomplished and we are now working on making his yard more accessible. It is amazing how many barriers there are for a wheelchair. Unfortunately, he is living on a slim pension and doesn't have a lot of spare change for improvements, so we have to go slowly. Paul first came over to help me reroof my house 20 years ago right after they moved here from California. We have been working together on home projects ever since. We call ourselves "The Old Fart's Construction Co." the title fits better every year. Together we have changed the looks of both our homes for the better and we have cemented our friendship. Paul is not as able to work as he was 20 years ago, but he does as much as he can. My job is to make sure that he doesn't hurt himself by trying to do too much. I think I will have more time to muse in the near future, I'm looking for new shop projects to occupy my mind.

1 comment:


hello friend colecionista like you share the love of the isolators...
I would love to mires my pictures.